This is an extremely important code of ethical behaviour and must be maintained at all times by all staff.
The legal requirements of confidentiality extends from the Practice Principal/s to all Clinicians and staff.
The Privacy Amendment (Sector) Act 2000 extends the operation of the Privacy Act 1988 to cover the private health sector throughout Australia.
The Privacy Act requires our practice to abide by the 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APPs):
Information regarding complying with the legislation is available at the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.
The RACGP’s Privacy and managing health information in general practice at www.racgaggau!yourpractice/ehealth/protecting-information/privacy.
Privacy Policies for GPs (OAIC August 2015)
Each parent has parental responsibility for each of their children until each child reaches 18 years of age. Parental responsibility is not affected by changes in the parents’ relationship such as separation or divorce or remarriage.
Courts may make orders about parental responsibilities only if the parents cannot agree about the arrangements for their child or children, these are called parenting orders. Courts may also approve and make consent orders to reflect an agreement reached between parents.
A parenting order may deal with one or more of the following:
A parenting order for a child 16 years and over does not take precedence over the young person’s right to confidentiality and privacy.
On registration of a patient under the age of 18, enquiries should be made as to whether there is a parenting order in place, or any other court orders such as a personal violence order.
If the advice received is that there is an order in place, a copy of the order should be obtained and placed on the patient’s file.
The status of orders made should be regularly reviewed and patient files updated to reflect the changes that may be made.
Patient’s may display difficult behaviour when they are unwell, experiencing pain or becoming impatient.
However, the practice has a zero tolerance for abusive and/or threatening behaviour against staff. This includes shouting, swearing, aggressive actions, threats, inappropriate gestures and name calling.
When dealing with difficult patients, consider:
Abusers will be required to leave the practice and their care will be transferred to another practice.
Refusal to leave will result in the police being called.